Wautoma Area School District
Approved 10/08/98

According to sections 943.70(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin State Statutes whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization takes possession of, or copies data, computer programs, or supporting documentation; or uses or takes equipment, or supplies used or intended to be used in a computer, computer system, or computer network may be penalized for such actions.
Therefore, to prevent the illegal use of computer software, it is the policy of the Wautoma Area School District that:
1. The ethical and practical problems caused by software piracy will be taught in all schools in the District.
2. District employees and students are required to adhere to the provisions of State and federal laws regarding computer software.
3. The legal or insurance protection of the District will not be extended to employees who violate copyright laws.
4. Computer software will not be copied except for archival purposes.
5. Loading of software on more than one computer for simultaneous use is only allowed with permission or license.
6. Software will not be downloaded from the Internet or installed on computers without permission.
7. Computer software not owned by the Wautoma Area School District will not be used on school owned computers.
8. Only specified persons employed by the District for technology reasons are authorized to install computer software on District owned computers.
9. The District technology coordinator will maintain an inventory of all District owned software.
10. All computers are the property of the Wautoma Area School District and the District reserves the right to inspect all computers and all files on the computers at any time without notice.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute S118.13, 121.02(1)(e)
Wisconsin Administrative Code: PI 8.01(2)(e), PI 9
Cross Reference: Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunitie