Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/14/02
Participation in contests is optional with the individual school. While there is no intent to refuse to cooperate with agencies sponsoring worthwhile contests, there is very definitely a desire to keep such cooperation within reasonable bounds. The following is a guide for determining participation in contests.
1. The primary educational aims of the school and the needs and interests of its students must be considered at all times.
2. Schools shall not be used to promote private or commercial interests.
3. Schools shall not be used for direct sales promotion of individual competitive goods or services.
4. All materials or activities initiated by private sources shall be judged on grounds of
a. direct contribution to educational values,
b. factual accuracy, and
c. good taste.
5. Consideration shall be given in all cases to protect students and teachers against
unreasonable added work and responsibilities.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13, 120.13(1), 120.12(23)
Wisconsin Administrative code PI 9.03(1)
Cross Reference: 370-Extracurricular Activities and Programs, 411-Equal Educational Opportunities