Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/14/02

The role and duties of a school psychologist are a part of the regular on-going duties of the Wautoma Area School District. The principal role of the psychologist is that of assisting the school district in the determination of the placement of a student. The psychologist’s duties would be to determine the test to be used for placement, administer the test, and to make the necessary recommendations from the results of the tests.

The student’s teacher, building principal, and/or parent/legal guardian may make a referral to the school psychologist. The results of such testing or testing through observation shall be used to place a student in the educational program, thus the testing is considered part of the Wautoma Area School District’s regular educational program and not an addition to the District’s program.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13, 120.13(1), 120.12(23)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 9.03(1)
Cross Reference Extracurricular Participation Code, 411-Equal Educational Opportunities