Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/09/95
Revised 03/03/00
The selection of instructional materials, including textbooks and supplementary books and materials; shall be recommended to the Board by the District Administrator or his/her representative in accordance with District rules and regulations. The Board shall make the final determination regarding material selections.
The Board shall adopt the required textbooks for the District and shall file a list of these books with the Clerk.
1. No student shall be required to read supplementary books or those on the required list, if his/her parent/legal guardian indicates there are reasons why his/her child should not read a particular book.
a. A notice listing supplemental books planned for use by students will be sent home to the parent/legal guardian.
b. Areas of concern, if any, will be noted and an alternative reading selection listed should the parent desire an alternate selection.
2. Following careful evaluation, films, videotapes, computer software and other audiovisual materials may be used for instructional purposes.
3. Commercial entertainment films or videotapes having obvious educational value may be included when appropriate to the subject being studied.
4. Commercial films or videotapes that are not rated, rated PG, or PG-13 shall not be shown to students in the District without advanced written notice to the parent/legal guardian.
a. Such notice shall contain an accurate description of the contents of the film or videotape.
5. No films or videotapes having a rating of R, NC17 or any X rating shall be shown at any school.
6. Parents/legal guardians not wanting to have his/her child participate in viewing a particular film or videotape may indicate this decision in a note to the building administrator.
a. The decision of the parent/legal guardian will be respected and an assignment of equal value may be given as an alternative to attending the showing of the film or videotape.
b. The parent/legal guardian shall be given the opportunity to view District owned films, videotapes, and leased films as available, at no additional expense to the District.
7. This Policy is cross-referenced with Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.