Wautoma Area School District
Approved: 1/8/97
Revised: 7/25/02


The following information has been prepared for the benefit of the participants, the parents/legal guardians, and the coaches/directors in an effort to keep the extra-curricular program a contributing and worthwhile part of the total school program. All coaches/directors of the extra-curricular activities desire that participation be an enriching and healthful experience in which physical, mental, and social growth shall be stimulated through interscholastic competition. A better understanding of the aims, objectives and educational values of the program and the training rules will be realized by a careful reading and discussion of this material by the student and parent/legal guardian.
The Wautoma Area School District Board of Education believes the following to be true:
A. All extra-curricular activities are a privilege to be used by and made available to students who abide by the District rules. Involved students have an obligation to present a positive image to fellow students and the public in general.
B. Extra-curricular activities are secondary to scholastics and should be made available only if the student is achieving passing grades in the classroom.
C. All extra-curricular activity participants should be treated equally with the rules and procedures of the code applying to athletes and non-athletes alike. Past practices of making athletics the only activities subject to code provisions are unfair and in opposition to the responsibilities of the Board of Education.
D. Part of the learning process is realizing that laws are always present in society, choices always have to be made, and consequences of violations will have to be paid.
E. Responsibility comes with every privilege.
F. Wautoma students are expected to conduct themselves with pride in their efforts, regardless of
winning or losing, and to realize that the teams we compete against are composed of people who will also be giving their best.


A. Prior to any participation, all participants in extra-curricular activities shall, with their parent/legal guardian, read, discuss, and sign a pledge to follow the rules of this District. No student can participate in practice or activities until his/her pledge copy is signed and on file with the head coach/director.
B. Extra-curricular activities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. All sports teams and cheerleaders.
2. Forensics.
3. Class plays.
4. Band and vocal music activities outside the regular classroom. The performance of the band or
choir as a full unit shall not be considered an extra-curricular activity because its performance is an integral part of the regular classroom. These units are, therefore, not subject to policies of this code.
5. Organizational trips or activities.
6. Solo and ensemble activities.
7. Pep Band.
8. Trips by non-participants to state contests.
9. Math team and Academic Decathlon team.
Activities not identified above shall be identified prior to the commencement of the activity
C. All students must procure, complete, and return to the head coach, the required WIAA Physical Examination and Permit Card. The Policy Agreement Form and Enrollment and Emergency Permission Form must be turned in to the office. No student can participate in practices or games until the athletic director processes the physical card and the two forms.
D. All athletes are subject to WIAA rules and participants in other activities are also subject to rules established by their respective state or regional organizations.
E. At the first meeting of an activity, the head coach/director of the activity shall review the rules established by this code, including the appeal procedure, to insure a complete understanding of what is expected of all participants.


Participating in extra-curricular activities is a privilege extended to all students provided they are willing to assume certain responsibilities. The Board of Education has established the following expectations of students who wish to represent the Wautoma Area School District in extra-curricular activities:
1. Display the highest standards of sportsmanship.
2. Display respect for those in authority, including coaches/directors, teachers and officials.
3. Be well groomed at all times.
4. Display high standards of social behavior.
5. Meet all eligibility requirements, including the specific requirements provided in this code.


In order to promote good sportsmanship and respect for rules and authority, to establish teamwork, leadership, pride, and discipline and to eliminate disruptive influences, disturbances in the locker rooms, on the playing field, in the rehearsal areas and on trips off the school grounds, rules have been established. A participant who complies with these rules overtly demonstrates his/her desire to dedicate himself/herself to self-improvement and to enhance the best interest of fellow students, coaches/directors, and the school.
The Board of Education and District policies govern student behavior and the Board of Education will become involved whenever student actions:
1. Affect the orderly operation of classes and/or school activities.
2. Affect the public image of the school and/or community.
Therefore, all participants in the extra-curricular activities shall adhere to the following rules:
A. Classification 1 Rules
Any participant in extra-curricular activities who is charged with a violation of a Classification 1 Rule, which he/she denies, shall, within five (5) school days of the reported infraction, appear before the extracurricular council, whose purpose is to judge whether a rule violation occurred. In such cases, the student shall be allowed to practice, but may not participate in contests or performances until a ruling is made.
1. The use or possession of smoking materials and/or tobacco in any form is prohibited.
2. Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
3. The use/possession or intent to buy/sell/trade controlled substances/controlled substance analogs without a practitioner’s prescription or the paraphernalia associated with controlled substances is prohibited.
4. Serious misconduct, convictions, misdemeanors or felonies, in or out of school, which bring discredit to the participant, his/her parents/guardians, the school, the team or performance group is prohibited. Misconduct such as Vandalism, insubordination, profanity, obscene gestures, and taunting of officials or opponents are included under this guideline.
B. Classification 2 Rules
Any participant in extra-curricular activities who is charged with a violation of a Classification 2 Rule, which he/she denies, shall, within five (5) school days of the reported infraction appear before the extracurricular council, whose purpose is to judge whether or not a rule violation occurred. In such cases, the student shall be allowed to practice, but may not participate in contests or performances until a ruling is made.
1. Students may not be in attendance at a social activity without parents/legal guardians where minors are consuming alcohol.
2. Students may not be in vehicles or in any unsupervised situation in which minors are consuming alcohol.
3. Students may not be in attendance at a social activity, in a vehicle, or any other situation where controlled substances/controlled substance analogs are being used.
C. Classification 3 Rules
The coach/director of the activity, the building principal or the athletic director will investigate violations of Classification 3 Rules. The penalty for a violation will be assigned by the coach/director of the activity and is subject to review by the building principal. Participants penalized under this Section of the Code are entitled to full appeal rights as provided in Section VII, Appeal Process Procedures Related to Code Violations.
1. Hair length, style, and grooming shall be regulated and participants shall receive further direction in all related matters from their respective directors.
2. Misconduct, in or out of school, which brings discredit to the participant, their parent/legal guardian, the team or performance group is prohibited. Vandalism, insubordination, profanity, obscene gestures, cheating and/or any other incident, which results in an in-school or profanity, obscene gestures, cheating and/or any other incident, which results in an in-school or out-of-school suspension, are included under this guideline.
3. Participants kept after school for disciplinary reasons or who are serving a suspension from school shall not be allowed to participate in practice or activities during the time specified in the disciplinary action. Late bus transportation will not be provided.
4. Dress before, during, and after performances shall be determined by the coach/director.
5. All participants are required to travel to and from out of town contests and performances with the group and on school provided transportation unless otherwise arranged in advance and in accordance with Board of Education policy.
6. Participants may ride home from contests or performances with their own parent/legal guardian provided said parent/legal guardian speaks to the coach and provides a Contest Travel Release. Other transportation arrangements must be approved in advance by the building principal and be in accordance with Board of Education policy.
7. Each participant is responsible for proper care of all supplies and equipment issued to him/her.
8. Curfews will be set by the coaches/directors and must be followed by the participants.
9. In order for an individual to participate in a game, practice, or activity, he/she must be in attendance at school, for the full school day. The only exceptions are an emergency, a pre-excused absence, a doctor’s excuse, or permission from the school office.
10. A coach/director of an activity may set other regulations for his/her activity. Such regulations, including requirements for awards should be communicated to the participants at the beginning of the activity.
D. Classification 4 Rules
Academic eligibility shall be determined according to the following rules and regulations:
1. Any participant receiving an “F” or “Incomplete” quarterly grade on his/her report card shall be
placed on academic probation for all extra-curricular activities and all coaches/directors of activities will be notified of students on academic probation. Students and their parent/legal guardians will be notified by mail of probationary status. While on academic probation, a student may practice and compete or perform. At the midterm deficiency date established by the building principal, the grades of all probationary students will be checked. Students who are passing all subjects will be removed from the academic probationary list. Any probationary student who is not passing all subjects at the midterm deficiency date will be immediately placed on the academic ineligible list until the end of the quarter grades are completed.
2. Any student who receives two (2) or more “F’s” at the end of any quarter will be placed on the academic ineligible list for the following quarter. While on the academic ineligible list, a student may practice, but may not compete or perform, provided the student voluntarily participates in an academic tutorial program designed to improve his/her failing grades. Such a program will be arranged when circumstances make it possible for the coach, athletic director or other school personnel to do so. The continuation of such a tutorial program is dependent upon the cooperation of the student involved and will be terminated for non-cooperation. All tutorial programs must be approved by the athletic director. The status of academically ineligible students who are voluntarily participating in such a tutorial program will be evaluated at the midterm deficiency date and such students who are passing all subjects will be upgraded to probationary status.
3. Any student enrolled in a special education program under Subchapter V of Chapter 115 must be making satisfactory progress only as it related to his/her ability and status at the time he/she was admitted to the special education program.


A. Classification 1 Rules Violations
1. Athletes and Cheerleaders
a. First Violation - A participant must serve a disciplinary probationary period during which time
the participant must practice, follow all guidelines established by the coach, and demonstrate a good attitude. The participant shall be ineligible to participate in any contests or scrimmages during the probationary period. The probationary period shall begin immediately upon the ruling of a violation and shall end after a prescribed length of time. The ending date of the probationary period shall be the conclusion of the prescribed number of varsity interscholastic contests. The probationary period for violations which occur at a time which causes the probationary period to overlap two (2) different activity seasons shall be pro-rated over the two seasons rounded to the next highest whole number.
Using current WIAA provisions, the probationary period for each sport shall be the following number of varsity interscholastic contests:
Wautoma High Parkside School
Baseball/Softball 5 Basketball 3
Basketball 5 Football 1
Cross Country 3 Volleyball 2
Football 3 Wrestling 1
Golf 4
Soccer 4
Volleyball 4
Wrestling 4
Track 4
The probationary period for each JV sport will be pro-rated accordingly.
b. Second Violation - A second violation will result in a probationary period equivalent to two times the probationary period as computed above. If the athlete intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the athlete may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach.
c. Third Violation - The athlete will be suspended from all athletic participation for one (1) calendar year beginning on the date of the third violation. If the athlete intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the athlete may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach.
d. Fourth Violation - The athlete will be ineligible for all athletic participation for the remainder of his/her enrollment in the Wautoma Area School District beginning on the date of the fourth violation.
2. All other Extra-curricular Activities
a. First Violation - Suspension from one (1) performance, contest, meet or trip for each of the activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. The student may continue to practice if the activity involves practice sessions. In cases of multiple performances of the same event and in which the roles are dependent upon the selection of a single performer, the coach/director may disqualify a student for that role when his/her violation jeopardizes the performance.
b. Second Violation - Suspension from two (2) performances, contests, meets, or trips for each of the activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
c. Third Violation - Suspension from participation in all extra-curricular activities for one (1) calendar year beginning on the date of the third violation. . If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
d. Fourth Violation - The student will be suspended from all extra-curricular participation for the
remainder of his/her enrollment in the Wautoma Area School District beginning on the date of the fourth violation.
3. Voluntary Counseling Provision
a. Alcohol and Controlled Substance/Controlled Substance Analogs - On the first or second
violation of the rules prohibiting use or possession of alcohol and/or controlled substances/controlled substance analogs without a practitioner’s prescription, adult students (18 or over) or the parent/legal guardians of a minor student, may, at their own expense, voluntarily enroll the student in a substance use and alcohol assessment program. If the student cooperatively participates in the assessment and any treatment plan deemed appropriate by the counselor(s), the penalties for the first and second violations will be reduced by one-half (1/2) rounded to the next highest whole number. Adult students or parent/legal guardians of minor students must sign a release of information at the counseling center so that the school can get verification that the student cooperatively participated in the assessment and treatment program. Failure to follow these guidelines will cause the original penalties to be restored.
b. Tobacco - On the first or second violation of the rules prohibiting use or possession of tobacco, a student may voluntarily participate in an educational program designed to fully educate students regarding the hazards of tobacco use and the consequences to their health. The program shall be designed to include a variety of educational experiences and shall include a counseling requirement.
If the student successfully completes the educational/counseling program, the penalties for the first and second violations will be reduced by one-half (1/2) rounded to the next highest number. Failure to complete the program will cause the original penalties to be restored.
c. Serious Misconduct - After the first or second violation of the rule, which prohibits serious misconduct, convictions, misdemeanors, or felonies, a student may voluntarily participate in a counseling program designed to modify his/her behavior. The counseling program will be individually designed to fit the circumstances of the student and may require behavioral contracts and involvement in professional counseling agencies. The design of the counseling program shall be the responsibility of the building principal, subject to the approval of the Athletic Council. If the student successfully completes the behavioral counseling program, the penalties for the first and second violations will be reduced by one-half (1/2) rounded to the next highest number. Failure to complete the program will cause the original penalties to be restored.
B. Classification 2 Rules Violations
1. First Violation – Suspension from one (1) performance, contest, meet or trip for each of the activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. The student may continue to practice if the activity involves practice sessions.
2. Second Violations – Suspension from two (2) performances, contests, meets, or trips for each of the activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
3. Third Violation – Suspension from participation in all extra-curricular activities for one (1) calendar year beginning on the date of the third violation. If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
4. Fourth Violation – The student will be suspended from all extra-curricular participation for the remainder of their enrollment in the Wautoma Area School District beginning on the date of the fourth violation.
C. Classification 3 Rules Violations
First Violation – Suspension from one (1) performance, contest, meet or trip for each of the
activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. The student may
continue to practice if the activity involves practice sessions.
2. Second Violations – Suspension from two (2) performances, contests, meets, or trips for each of the activities in which the student is participating at the time of the violation. If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
3. Third Violation – Suspension from participation in all extra-curricular activities for one (1) calendar year beginning on the date of the third violation. If the student intends to participate with a team when the suspension runs out, the student may continue to practice at the discretion of the coach/director.
4. Fourth Violation – The student will be suspended from all extra-curricular participation for the remainder of their enrollment in the Wautoma Area School District beginning on the date of the fourth violation.
D. Classification 4 Rules Violations
Academic eligibility shall be determined based upon quarterly grades earned as described in Section IV (D) above.
E. Gold W Awards
Wautoma High School students, at the end of their careers, are eligible to receive the “Gold W”. Any student penalized for a violation of a Classification 1 Rule shall not be eligible to receive a “Gold W” for the activities in which the student was penalized.
An athlete wishing to transfer from one sport to another must gain permission, in writing, from both head coaches/directors involved. No transfer will be allowed if the athlete is under disciplinary action in the sport he wishes to leave.
F. If an athlete misses practice, and is unexcused, the athlete may be suspended for the next contest.
G. No student, who is dropped from one squad for disciplinary reasons, shall be eligible to compete in another sport during the same season.
H. A student may go out for only one sport per season.
If the number of athletes trying out for a sport is more than the facilities and equipment can accommodate, selection will be made based on ability shown. Choosing the members of the squad is the sole responsibility of the coach. When squad cuts become a necessity, the process will include three important elements:
1. The athlete must compete in a minimum of 10 hours of practice time and perform in at least one intra-squad game.
2. The coach will discuss the criteria used to select the team, the number to be selected and practice and game commitments.
3. The athlete, after being informed of the cut by the coach, may request a meeting with the coach to discuss the reason for the action and alternatives for participation in the sport or other areas of the extracurricular activities program.
I. Students are under the authority of their coaches/directors and refusal to obey reasonable orders of a coach can be grounds for immediate suspension or dismissal from the squad and/or participation in some or all of the future Wautoma contests.
J. All reports of violations must be submitted to the athletic director, in writing, and signed by the person making the report within 10 school days of the infraction.
K. Each athlete is responsible for the school equipment issued to him/her. This equipment must be returned at the end of the season. Failure to do so may result in the athlete’s exclusion from continued interscholastic participation and any awards earned by the student shall not be presented until all the equipment is accounted for. All lost, stolen or the athlete to whom it was issued must pay for damaged equipment.
L. Seniors in team sports may not compete on the JV level. Exceptions to this would be a foreign exchange student or a student with special needs.
Sunday and special holiday practices can only be held between the hours of 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm provided they have been pre-approved by the building principal or athletic director.
M. The total length of these practices can be no longer than two hours. These practices cannot be made mandatory.
N. All injuries must be reported to the coach of the activity immediately.
O. The Board of Education requires that athletes be covered by insurance to participate. Please list your insurance carrier on the Emergency Permission Form. If you have no insurance, the school has a backup plan, which is available. In hardship cases, contact the building principal to work out a solution.


The extra-curricular council shall be composed of the building principal, who shall act as chairperson, the athletic director, and three coaches/directors appointed by the building principal.
A student who admits to a Classification 1 or 2 Rule violation will not appear before the council, but will meet with the building principal to receive the penalty for said violation as set forth in this code. The building principal will notify, in writing, the student and parent/legal guardians regarding the restrictions set forth in the penalty.
A. Duties – The council will be responsible for investigating violations of the extra-curricular participation code. A majority vote of the council will be used in rendering all decisions.
B. Procedure – Upon receipt of an alleged violation, the building principal shall be notified. The witness or witnesses must put their allegation in writing and be willing to testify before the extracurricular council. If an extracurricular council is to be convened, the meeting shall be conducted in accordance with open meetings law; §19.83 Wis. Stats. The building principal shall notify the student and parents/guardians of the allegation and inform them of the time and place of the extra-curricular council hearing on the allegation. The hearing shall be scheduled within five (5) school days of the receipt of the allegation. The student and parent/legal guardians shall be invited to attend the hearing and to present evidence relative to the allegation. Evidence may be presented in the form of signed written statements and witnesses may be present to provide information regarding the allegation. Students may also be represented by legal counsel. The building principal shall provide the student and parents/guardians with
a written copy of the allegation and shall provide copies of the appeal procedures. After hearing all the evidence, the council shall determine whether a violation has occurred. The student and parent/legal guardians shall be notified immediately and in writing of the decision of the council. If a violation is ruled, the penalties as prescribed in this code shall be assessed by the building principal commencing immediately or as described above.


The appeal process is a procedure the courts recognize as a necessary part of any rules and regulations.
The appeal process recognizes the rights of the individual and outlines his/her recourse in the event of disagreement with the decision of the person(s) designated to rule on violations of this code. The appeal steps for a participant in extra-curricular activities to follow in appealing decisions related to eligibility are outlined here. It should be understood that participants and parents/legal guardians will be expected to follow the appeal steps in the event legal action should be initiated at some later date.
A. After a ruling of ineligibility resulting in suspension from extra-curricular activities has been made, a participant and/or his/her parents/guardians may formally appeal the decision in writing to the District Administrator provided an appeal is received within 14 days from the first day such ineligibility shall take effect.
B. After an appeal has been received, a date for a hearing shall be established by the District
Administrator with said date to be no later than seven (7) school days after receipt of the written appeal of the student and his/her parents/guardians. Present at the hearing in addition to the building principal and District Administrator, may be the participant, the parents/guardians and if a rule relating to a specific activity is involved, the coach of that activity.
C. The student will be provided with an opportunity to testify and present other evidence on his/her behalf at the hearing.
D. Proceedings of the hearing including the decision, but not the deliberation, will be taped and a copy of these proceedings will be available to the student and his/her parent/legal guardian upon receipt of a written request.
E. If the student and his/her parents/guardians are not satisfied with the findings of the hearing, a second hearing may be requested before the Board of Education. The clerk of the board must receive, in writing, a request for a second hearing before the Board within 14 days of the mailing of the outcome of the first meeting with the District Administrator. NOTE: The entire provisions as outlined in Section B above will be applicable to the second hearing before the Board of Education.
F. If the student and his/her parents/guardians remain dissatisfied with the findings of the second hearing before the board, the student or parents/guardians may seek remedy through the courts.
G. The provisions as outlined above shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for appeal from the rulings referred to in Section A above.