Wautoma Area School District
Approved 09/25/80
Revised 07/26/01
While the District does not encourage the use of fundraisers, activities conducted for specific purposes can take place provided they meet the requirements listed within this policy.
A. In-House Fundraisers
1. Fundraising within the school conducted by students and/or parents/legal guardians for the purpose of raising funds to benefit a particular group shall be regulated by the building administrator and do not require Board approval.
a) On or before October 1 of each school year, each organization shall complete
Policy 374, Exhibit and submit to the building administrator for approval or
b) Incomplete forms shall be returned.
2. All aspects of the sale will be completed within the school day and no selling or taking of orders will be taken home or into the community.
3. No sales of food and/or drink products can be held during hot lunch periods. 4. Examples of in-house fundraisers include: bake sales, one-time raffles at sports contests, sucker sales, popcorn sales, etc.
5. Advisors shall ensure that written permission is received from the parent/legal guardian for students under the age of 12 to participate in a fundraiser.
6. Advisors shall ensure that the parent/legal guardian has checked ‘yes’ in the section under Fundraiser-age 9 and under only, in the policy agreement form for the current school year.
7. If there are any questions whether a particular fundraiser is governed under the inhouse heading, the District Administrator shall determine if the fundraiser can take place under this heading.
B. Solicitation Fundraisers
1. Fundraising requests that require any solicitation from parents/legal guardians and/or the public shall be submitted to the Board for their review and approval.
2. All requests of this nature shall be submitted to the District Administration Office by October 1.
a) Each organization shall complete Policy 374, Exhibit and submit to the District Office for placement on the agenda for the first regular meeting of October.
b) Incomplete forms shall be returned.
3. Requests for activities in the months of August, September and early October shall be considered at the first regular meeting of October in the prior school year.
4. Advisors shall ensure that written permission is received from the parent/legal guardian for students under the age of 12 to participate in a fundraiser.
5. Advisors shall ensure that the parent/legal guardian has checked ‘yes’ in the section under Fundraiser-age 9 and under only, in the registration packet policy agreement form for the current school year.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §103.23, 103.64, 120.14, 120.16(2), (5), 120.18
Cross Reference: Policy 374 Exhibit-Fundraising Request Form, 662.1-Student Activity Funds, Registration Packet
Policy Agreement Form
6. Fundraising of this type shall be kept to a minimum and shall not conflict with activities of other groups.
C. Community Sponsored Fundraisers
1. Fundraising that does not involve students and/or parents/legal guardians will not require Board approval. Because such activities do not involve students and or parent/legal guardian solicitations, these activities may be approved at the time they are presented. The Booster Club and Parent Teacher Organizations fall under this category.
A. Activity Accounts
1. Activity accounts have been established as the depository for funds raised within the school’s control.
2. All monies acquired through the student and/or parent/legal guardian fundraising activities shall be deposited into the group’s activity fund.
3. Accounts shall be audited annually.
4. Signatures required for withdrawal of funds shall belong to the student treasurer, the group’s advisor, and the building administrator.
a) Funds raised without student participation such as the activity funds containing profits from faculty concessions shall require the building administrator’s signature and his/her designee.
B. Exchange of Money
1. In all instances, when sums of money are transferred from one (1) individual to another for the purpose of banking or any other reason, a count of the monies transferred shall be made and a dated receipt for the verified amount shall be issued to the person receiving the money. The person receiving the monies shall then count the monies transferred and a dated receipt for the verified amount shall be issued to the person transferring the monies.
Any discrepancies shall be resolved by a counting of monies by both parties.
C. Violations
1. Any groups or individuals violating the requirements of this policy shall be prohibited from raising funds of any nature for a period of not less than three (3) years. In addition, conducting an unauthorized fundraiser will result in a three (3) year suspension of the group’s fundraising privileges. If you have any questions, please consult with the building administrator.