Wautoma Area School District
Approved 08/10/89
Revised 03/09/00

It is the understanding of the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education that student trips can have an educational value and be an extension of the classroom. It should be noted, however, that each trip request must have its educational value weighed in light of the following:
1. The amount of regular class time missed.
2. Costs to the District, club, and/or individual students.
3. The availability of qualified substitute teachers and chaperones.
4. The disruption of the educational process for those students remaining in the classroom.
5. In some cases, where the trip is not a direct extension of the classroom, the academic, attendance and behavioral record of those students participating or wishing to participate.
6. The liability exposure to the District.
7. Any other variables a trip request may present the District.
To aid in the decision-making process, the Board has categorized potential trip requests as follows:
A. Category A (In-State Day Trips)
Trips that occur during the regular school day or an extension thereto and does not require an overnight stay with destinations within the State of Wisconsin.
B. Category B (In-State Overnight Trips)
Trips that occur during the regular school day, weekends and during vacation periods requiring one (1) or more overnight stays with destinations in the State of Wisconsin.
C. Category C (Out-of-State Trips)
Day or overnight trips that occur during the regular school day, weekends, and during vacation periods with destinations outside of the State of Wisconsin, but within the United States.
D. Category D (Abroad Trips)
Overnight trips that occur during the regular school day, weekend and during vacation periods with destinations outside of the United States.
Trips as listed above must have permission from the Board and/or its administrative staff as outlined in Policy 352-Rule, Guidelines for Field Trips and Tour Excursions.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §895.437
Cross Reference: 352-Rule, Guidelines for Field Trips and Tour Excursions, 443.4 Student Alcohol and Drug Use